The Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), developed and implemented RFRS Coast Guard wide to assist unit commanders, commanding officers, officers-in-charge, deputy/assistant commandants, and chiefs of headquarters staff elements achieve mobilization readiness of their assigned reservists while providing increased augmentation capacity to their respective commands. RFRS leverages the accomplishments of existing senior reservists assigned at commands that are performing leadership roles and interface functions between the Active Component (AC) and the Reserve Component (RC). RFRS is a RC mission support system which optimizes the organization, administration, recruiting, instruction, and training of the Coast Guard Reserve.

RFRS Staff Element Responsibilities COMDTINST 5320.4A This instruction documents the Reserve Force Readiness System (RFRS) staff elements roles and responsibilities.

RFRS is comprised of the following elements:

  • Full Time Support (FTS)
  • Senior Reserve Officers (SRO)
  • Senior Enlisted Reserve Advisors (SERAs)

Members of the Reserve Component Manager (RCM) community are traditionally selected to begin serving as an O-1 to O-3 and have diverse backgrounds and experience. This guide is written for all officers in the RCM specialty to enhance their own careers and to assist in mentoring junior officers. This guide is not meant to replicate or replace existing policy; rather, it is intended to raise awareness on the many factors and opportunities that may impact a junior officer’s Coast Guard career.

The Coast Guard maintains FTS positions on the Personnel Allowance List (PAL), funded by the Reserve Training (RT) appropriation and staffed with FTS personnel responsible for assisting in the organization, program administration, recruitment, instruction, and training of the RC. The mix of FTS personnel in the Coast Guard consists of Reserve Program Administrators (RPAs), other AC personnel, and federal civilian employees.

FTS responsibilities can be found in the above instruction COMDTINST 5320.4A page 4.

Senior Reserve Officers (SROs). Unit commanders and commanding officers hold ultimate responsibility and are directly accountable for their total force, which includes the readiness of assigned reservists. To assist the unit commander or commanding officer in maximizing the Reserve force capability, SRO positions have been created at most major Coast Guard units. The SRO fills a substantial leadership role in supporting the unit commander's goals and objectives, but ultimately, training, readiness and overall administrative support shall remain the responsibility of the unit commander. The SRO's leadership role is secondary to developing and maintaining their own mobilization and augmentation competencies.

SROs Responsibilities can be found in the above instruction COMDTINST 5320.4A page 10

Reserve billets available to E-7 through E-9, regardless of rating, have been established at units below the Sector level and at Coast Guard Bases to monitor and advise their commands on the administrative and operational readiness and training of Reserve personnel assigned to their PAL. Reservists filling SERA positions will assist their commands in maximizing readiness of assigned reservists for mobilization. SERAs shall coordinate with their commands to address leadership, training, and administrative processes required to support mobilization requirements, and mentoring of assigned SELRES. SERAs are assigned to administer the Reserve program and are not required to maintain operational competencies.

SERA Responsibilities can be found in the above instruction COMDTINST 5320.4A page 10