Submit an article!

RESERVIST is published primarily to provide stories of interest to Coast Guard reservists. Submissions which contain a strong Reserve nexus receive the highest publication priority.

Articles for submission should be created as text documents. Generally, an article is approximately 400-1000 words accompanied by 2-3 photos. However, longer articles will be considered.

Email us to discuss!

Photos must be submitted as individual high resolution (300 dpi minimum) JPEG files. When possible, tell us the who, what, where, when, PLUS the name of the photographer.

Video should be in an WMV format, not larger than 50 MB and preferably less than three minutes.



 Send to:

Commandant (CG-R55)
Attn: Editor, Reservist
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE Stop 7721
Washington DC 20593-7721

How to opt out of print copy

If you prefer to read Reservist online, go digital!

To Opt Out of the print version, send an email to with your rank, name, and EMPLID (required), and the email address where you'd like to receive the magazine. This information is necessary to ensure we accurately manage our mailing list.

Thanks for your assistance and your continued interest in Reservist!

RESERVIST (COMDTPUB 1001.29) is published by the Commandant, Director of Reserve & Military Personnel, U.S. Coast Guard. It is intended for information only and is not authority for official action. Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security or U.S. Coast Guard. The editor reserves the right to select and edit all materials for publication. We continue to strive for perfection yet unattained.

To Change Your Address

The Reservist's distribution list is based on mailing addresses listed in Direct Access. If you are not receiving the publication at the correct address, please ensure your information is up-to-date in Direct Access. 

Keeping your contact information accurate ensures you stay informed about important Reserve updates and news. 

For guidance on updating your address, visit: Personal Data Changes.pdf