Issue 1 - 2024From the Assistant Editor

I'm back at the helm!

As you're probably already aware, the Magazine has been given a refresh. It's still the same great content, with a new aesthetic. Our creative director, Chris Rose, has been hard at work to streamline and modernize the appearance of our magazine. The last major change happened back in 2006, and he felt it was the perfect opportunity for a change. Do you like the new look? Let us know what you think!

Ms. Devlin is on military leave serving the office of decedent affairs. One of the benefits of being a reservist is the opportunity to take orders to not only assist the Coast Guard, but to also expand your experience within the Service—earning more retirement points along the way.

As reservists, we play the long game. That's partially due to our unwavering commitment to the Reserve, but also, we do a lot of future planning to ensure we're coordinating our service obligations with our civilian career expectations, all the while ensuring we're supporting our families. It's definitely a lesson in time management and work-life balance. 

While it's tough drilling and being away from home—missing out on family moments or being away from our civilian jobs—reservists are enjoying their service. When I drill, I look forward to catching up with everyone and hearing what they have going on in both their civilian and Coast Guard lives.

Those soundings with my crew are important (I've missed them since being on ADOS). Not only does it catch me upon who's having babies, who's graduating college, who just finished all their requirements to take the next service wide, but it also completes the picture on what needs to be done for the crew—receiving clarification on parental leave policy, educating members on tuition assistance and GI Bill requirements, or ensuring personnel know where to look up in direct access to determine their service wide eligibility.

Being a new civilian with the federal service, I'm learning–much like that new non-rate or third class petty officer–the onslaught of information and new acronyms can be overwhelming. In spite of my best efforts, I don't know everything. I'm relying on my peers and supervisors to help me along the way.

It's definitely grounded me in the realization that it's okay to ask for help. Those conversations we have with our crew help us share what we know, gauge what we don't, and strive to learn together.

Happy reading.

Chief Heather Scheer, Assistant Editor

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From the Assistant EditorReservist Magazine #2-2024 – Spring Issue

I cannot believe it’s been almost a year since I’ve been with the Reservist. If you don’t know, the magazine has been staffed with just two civilians. With the addition of myself as the Assistant Editor, we now have a team of three, but I am their padawan! Chris Rose, the Creative Director, has been with the magazine for 25 years. He’s our resident historian of the publication. Our Editor, Anastasia Devlin, has been telling the story of the Reserve since 2017 — skillfully weaving together stories to share with our readers.

This issue is focused on mobilization. There are many terms and acronyms thrown around that you have likely heard and maybe not quite understood on how it relates to reservists (e.g., activation, mobilization, deployment, contingency, ADOS, USERRA, and TAMP).

I think that’s one of the things we, as a Service need to get back to— knowing the basics; but lately there’s one Commandant Instruction that’s stood out to me.

And I know this is such a chief thing to say—I read the instruction (in this case, the Activation of the Reserve Component instruction). The ARC, as we call it, was released last year, and it combines and condenses a lot of information. It gives definitions of terms, breaks down roles and responsibilities of stakeholders to the Component, and defines the elements of readiness and what reservists are required to maintain. I highly recommend reading it—it answers a lot of questions I see asked on online forums and also gives the references needed to research further.

In the dynamic workforce we serve in, policies are updated, techniques change, and we expect our leaders (and the fleet) to stay ahead of it.

I hope this issue gives you some reference points on where to start.

From the initiatives that are taking shape at headquarters to the operations being conducted out in the fleet, we want to know what’s happening in our Component! To our contributors who submit content to the magazine, THANK YOU! We truly appreciate your support.

Happy reading!

Happy reading!

Heather Scheer, Assistant Editor

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